Thursday, November 20, 2008

ms saigon, and Say(ing) Goodnight

when i got up this morning, i knew i had things it would be nice to accomplish - or wanted to accomplish today. in the end, i spend the majority of my day helping my friend look for work instead of working on websites or acting. i’m banking on a little karma here.

while helping him i was talking to kirsten, and wanted to do something new today like any ohter day, so the decision was made to go to an African restaurant tonight. we made the plans, and then i was reminded that a film i was in would be showing tonight at the St. Louis Film Festival, and Dan assumed i would be there. after she left work, i squeezed in a trip to the gym, got to her house around 7:30pm, and went to the Loop.

upon arriving at Nubia, we saw only one customer inside, but was told that there is some kind of paranoia about places that don’t have any customers. rather than assume we missed the dinner rush, or that it was just a slow night, i was instructed that i could eat there, but i’d be eating alone because kirsten believed that being the only customers of the night would lead the restaurant to poison us. she also made a comment about how she didn't want to be the lone white couple inside. she would be offended that i pointed this out in a public forum, but will probably never read this, and i was offended by her paranoia and her comment, so we’ll call it even.

after this the debate over where we could go attempted to start, but i just told her to decide, i’m don’t fighting the rapidly growing list of rules based on unverified thoughts and paranoias which guide people’s lives. sadly, some day, i’ll also be the ass who wanted to try new things and didnt consider other people’s needs. what? because there’s always a current reference and i love rules? whatever, we end up at ms. saigon.

i’d had vietnamese food before, so it wasn’t the new experience i was aiming for, but i didn’t have to listen to her martyr herself for my thoughtless and life-threatening impulses either. i went out of my way to try something different anyway, ordering seafood & chicken on a bed of flash fried noodles. it was pretty bland, but since i generally don’t like vietnamese food i would have rather have had a tolerable new trial than a repeat of past experiences.

after dinner, we went to the film, and while there ran into my old friend Meredith. ‘Muzzy’ was there with 2 friends, and i think they were taking advantage of time away from the kids, because they’d had a few. during the film they solidly annoyed those around us with regular loud comments and normal volume random conversation... classic.

it was pretty obvious kirsten did not like the film, but it is totally a guy film, full of crass comments, etc. after we joined my friends who had produced the film at blueberry hill for a while, then walked back to the car around 1am in 25’ wind. i know she did want to see the film since i was in it, i can appreciate that, but i’m surprised she was ok hanging out with all these guys she didn't really know. i wouldn’t have. i didn’t get a good read on if kirsten was enjoying the night out with the film guys either, probably not too much. we’ll call us even on the dinner thing i guess.

as the night came to an end, i got email from the guy who’s still angry after 10 years. he’s still carrying his torch... and fine, he gets everything he wants. let’s face it, its not going to make him happy.

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