Monday, May 23, 2011

am i fraudulant?

as usual, too much napping and not doing enough during my day leaves me not sleeping at nearly 3am.  i really have to stop sleeping in, i'll still get 8 hours of sleep and a nap tomorrow, but my day won't be all it could be.

i like to think it will be, maybe i'll push myself to get up and get to mass in the morning.  i usually use mass as a reason to get up and going at 8am.  i don't have to be dressed a certain way or ever showered, but it gets me up and going so i can find things to do with my day that i want to do.  the alternative is laying around at home doing nothing... which, as much as it sounds like an awesome life, does not lead to happiness.


lately life's been a little frustrating, and a lot of it comes down to disbelief.  because i'm just as bad as everyone i'm about to ridicule, allow me to point out that i'm often surprised at how right people believe they are when logic is staring them right in the face - how does that happen??

i have one friend who's constantly living in fear of their spouse cheating on them.  this person comments to me about it often... and the spouse (from what i see) would be one of my last suspects to do so.  i wonder where this comes from - then i realize that this person has a friend who recently not only stepped out on their spouse, this person flat out left their spouse to pursue someone else.  this person divided a home with children, taking advantage of everyone involved and pointing the finger outward constantly.  this person has kids, and my friend has kids, so now everyone's kids are involved... and really, for all you super parents out there who want to see the world as perfect - kids talk.  i've mentioned these facts to my friend, but they see things their way, with logic staring them in the face.  if you leave a reminder of the problem in your world, its only going to cause problems, even if they're only mental - that can be enough.

i have another friend who's convinced everyone is against them, talking about them behind their back, spreading lies and so on.  the latest two accusations have involved email that i sent, and this person oddly knew i sent emails about them... and not only knew about them, but knew the exact recipients.  one of the emails was brought up over a week after i sent it.  this caused me to receive email at just after 6am... so... this person was unable to sleep thinking about all the evil people in his world, and fired and angry email to me about it making accusations which in the end were harsh words in his mind and meant nothing to anyone else.  oh, and, now everyone is convinced this person is reading my emails.  later in life as this rumor spreads, this person will blame everyone else, again.  everyone is against this person... even when logic clearly states that if everyone else is wrong consistently, odds are you may not be right.

people bring this last friend up to me from time to time, and it hit me recently that this person lives in almost 2 worlds.  their usual world where everyone knows this person fairly well, and over time most people have decided to limit their contact with this person because of the results, openly discuss why when this person is around, but act as if nothings wrong if they're around to avoid problems.  the other world is full of married corporate climbers who will make a periodic lunch plan on work days, but nearly nothing on nights or weekends, and periodically comment on how this person should get a relationship going so that they could all go out during social hours... ouch... thats either another attempt for distance, or worse, proof these people are more about the status than the people.  but in all this, my friend believes these are the better persons to be associated with.... because... they don't really know the person well, and have put restrictions on his being able to hang out with them.  logically, this kinda spells out his importance in their lives, but still, they're the better option.

yet another friend can't figure out why their spouse is often suspicious of what's going on when they aren't together.  this friend claims their closest friend is... someone who recently remarried after cheating on their spouse.  hello?

then there's the recently divorced friend who fought in the divorce for the house they were well over-extended on.  anyone with a basic knowledge of law & finance knows that a marital home with too much debt on it gets split - and the debt goes to both people.  logically, the decision should be obvious, but why have that information go public, right?

of course there's the one who has to know what's going on, but acts like life is the problem.  this person has been involved in a relationship for over 2 years with someone who lives out of town and asks them to join them on a trip once every month or so.  they are calling this a 'relationship', and they often act a bit surprised when i act like its not one.  these two people are unwilling to move to the other person's city to be with them, but they make sure to end each call with 'i love you'.  maybe i dont understand love, but i think logic interpretation of this would be 'vacation sex in trade for planning'.

someone else i know has a spouse who is the breadwinner for the family.  this person operates a business but they only go in once a week, and spend the rest of their time on hobbies... often, expensive hobbies.  periodically, this person gets annoyed with people's lack of respect.  again, i could be wrong, but i know a lot of people generally dont have a lot of respect for people who spend a ton of someone else's money. personally, i dont care - but i'm surprised this person is so shocked by all this.

and then - there's the the group which actually all of the above fit in.  the 'i dont know why i'm so fat' group.  screw logic - i'll handle this one - you are fat, because you eat poorly, and don't exercise enough. if you want to be thin, you have to eat painfully and work out even more painfully - AND - it will take a while to get all that fat off you.  restrict your diet to 1 cup chicken and broccoli every 3 hours, only drink water - and do this for 4 months, and then come back to me with your fat problem.  oops, it will be gone.  why are you fat?  because you're not willing to do the work.

so - i see all this, and i'm forced to wonder where i'm wrong.  i know must be, but i know why i'm broke, and i know i'm not hard enough on my diet and exercise, and so on.  i also know its my own problem to solve, and that its my fault.  i know that its my fault if people don't have faith in me, or see me in a certain light, or want me around.  i'm forced to wonder if i'm doing anything so obviously screwed up and not noticing the mistake or the reasons behind it at all.  am i a fraud?

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