Monday, January 30, 2017

none of you want peace...

intolerance of intolerance, is still intolerance.

here's a common thread forming in our world today:  'if you don't fight against someone i don't agree with, then we can no longer be friends!'


you feel so convicted about an issue that you're willing to stop communicating with anyone who doesn't agree with you?

how does that help at all?

last night i was talking to a woman about the refugee issue and when it came to make my point i started by AGREEING with her.  then because i want to see everyone's side and find the best way to work things out, i began to point out the concerns of others, and she instantly started to talk over me.

i AGREED WITH HER, AGAIN... and then i continued... to which she began to walk all over me again in the conversation until i finally said sarcastically, "why do you keep interrupting me, have you been drinking?"

and this - well, this was such an offensive idea (that her strong view couldn't be rammed into my face no matter what i thought that she must be intoxicated) that she got offended and told me that she wasn't going to stand for that kind of accusation...  and then she hung up on me.

awesome.   no bridge there, just a wall.

(PS - she's on the left, the side of 'acceptance', ironically)

there are a million ways to view all the issues we have today... but we are certainly not going to work them out without communication.  getting emotional about things really shows that you can yell and scream, but it doesn't really show that you can keep things together long enough to work out a solution.

some would argue that the solution is to do things your way... ok, i'll accept that.  tell me what the solution is to everything the women's march stood for, and how we can write that down and spread that nationally?

should we make a law that says, "dont be an asshole" ?

because we've already make the laws that enforce what the women's march stood for, but they aren't followed in practice.   just like we've made immigration laws... but they aren't followed in practice.  because we all just know what we know and we are going to do what we want to do and we are always right and you can all fuck off and in the end....  no communication... friendships lost... i didn't need those people anyway... i hate them because they hate...

wait, what?

intolerance of intolerance, is still intolerance.

if you're really so intelligent that you get it when so many others don't, so many that we need a protest and a march and a national effort.   you're not helping anything if you break communications with them, and you're not helping if you yell and scream and ram things down their throats...


really, the behavior i've seen out of people over the last week makes me want to leave the country... but, ironically, anywhere i'd want to go has strict immigration policies, ha!

but whatever happened to 'agree to disgree'?  whatever happened to communication?  whatever happened to Dr. King in his suit arm in arm with other men in suits, speaking clearly, peacefully marching, keeping a strong stable demeanor, and meeting with leaders to work out the problems?

tell me how you have to show up with your green hair and your vagina costume to scream and cry and be emotional, falling in the streets in tears like a 4 year old who dropped their ice cream, over the impoverished that you don't actually want in your own home, but you want someone else to take care of.  and if someone doesn't agree with you - they are NOT a friend of yours!

(this is the image the other side sees, because we aren't COMMUNICATING)

in the 80's there were quiet, peaceful, candlelit marches to force the Regan administration to move on the AIDS crisis.

and, it worked.

today, I'm seeing beautiful strong hardworking left minded women in LA post about missing flights to their jobs on movie sets because of protests... and she has decided that anyone who's protesting is NOT a friend of hers.

the effort is so solid... that... it's hurting itself.

people, no progress will be made if all we are doing is harassing others and causing disorder.  make your statement, make it clear, and have a solution in mind, but if you really want bridges instead of walls...


no one wants to be pushed around, you don't like it, and the opposition doesn't like it... everyone is just going to push back as hard as the other side pushed, or harder.

and that can only go so far before people are armed.


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