Monday, June 18, 2012

I am Jack's blog, without me the public wouldn't be enlightened.

If you know me personally, you would have noticed that a short time ago my posts to my personal Facebook page have been reduced to quotes about the various parts of Jack.

An homage to the great life lesson that was Fight Club, I am attempting to use to to curb my obsession with online interaction - and really, a way to get myself out of the house for the summer.  Many people, possibly most people, post little to nothing on their Facebook pages, and even less via Twitter.

I was stuck, and my life (like yours) was ending... one minute at a time.

It wouldn't be hard to argue that most people don't have much to say, or aren't creative enough to say it.  Not that it requires a vast experience in creative writing, but the reality is that most people fear the judgement of others so much, that they limit what they say or who can see it.

The slightly better but somehow more annoying variant being the person who's posts seem to focus on their never ending rise above drama, or memes & E-cards about wine and their friends and their kids that are hellions but somehow make them great parents.  Whatever, the world wouldn't be entertaining without the vastly confused.

I am not a beautiful and unique snowflake, neither are you.

So anyway - for the first time in... well, years, I turned off my home computers for a few days, I shut off the online gaming accounts, and I restructured my online presence a little in an effort to not spend my days at my desk watching the few of my 800 friends post, and doing my best to ignore all the posts from people who have to use info-graphics to attempt to be awesome.

If only to make myself leave my office and get into the living room I've basically ignored for the last 12 years - but really more to get myself outside, doing something.  Working on my back yard, going out for a drive in the old CJ, seeing my parents, getting some faceTIME with my nieces.  And more importantly, I started to give things away... a washer and dryer to a young man in his 20s who was barely into his career... an old mainframe computers to a man who could use it to improve his business... clothes I never wear to Catholic Charities and so on.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

I'm doing all this, again, to try and be more social.  It's seems that life starts with people being young and free... able to take a road trip and sleep in their cars and skip meals and not shower and live to experience.  Now we have to fly, and stay in nice hotels, eat fatty foods and live by standards we learned from others.  But yet, I want to be social, so I will accept this with socializing.

The drawback - social people eat like shit.  Not that I was much better sitting at home, but it seems that people can't interact with each other without a gallon of booze, some soda to mix it with, and some kinda high carb/high fat finger foods to fight off what is actually the body telling you that you're thirsty.

I don't know if it's a circle or boredom and bad habits, but I'm again trying to break it... I haven't been able to solidly do so in the past.  Sure, a week, a month, a few months at one point; but it seems that I keep getting sucked back into things that are unhealthy for me and make me look like crap.

In a catastrophic emergency you start taking deep breaths, you become euphoric, you accept your fate.

Exercise is needed, while many say things are fine, the reality is that I look like shit.  I will need to get my heart rate up - so I'm hoping to exercise more with this.  Away from my desk... unfortunately the weather is getting hotter, but I still have the gym.  I should probably be there instead of writing this blog - but I actually have work to do at the computer I finally turned back on, work that has me waiting for the computer to finish doing things, so I'm writing this for tomorrow's post.

Deep breaths, I can't lie, not being wired into the world of everyone else all the time is difficult.  Email, and social networking are addictive, they allow us to experience the lives of others and feel attached to those we want to be attached to while sitting anywhere.  The bonus is that I have my phone and Twitter and my 'Actor' page so give me some ability to reach out.  Twitter limits everything to 140 characters, and the professional pages are limited in that it can't have 'friends' or check in to locations.  

This is only the beginning, eventually, it will move out of the basement...

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