Saturday, December 10, 2011


i'm thinking of moving to Twitter more...  i'm looking at my posts on Facebook and i get a tons of responses to almost anything i post there; a producer i know calls it my 'Facebook Fan Base' - what?  really?

so many people on Facebook are at best mundane so maybe i should be proud on some level... after all, i'm still attempting to work in entertainment, and every coach i've had has told me that my first goal is to get an emotional response - hopefully the one i want.

but i can post anything on Facebook and i seem to get a reaction - today i posted gay teaser video!  proudly posted an awesome video of three of the fabulous attempting to do their own Speedo laden dance off to a catch Spice Girls tune, and why not, it was pretty entertaining.  and in seconds, i had comments.

i dont mind the comments, why would anyone post anything without expecting comments.  thats the best part of facebook - so many people use it for validation.  they'll post anything for validation... "my kid is 3 and just fed itself - yay!" or "look at me i'm on a date!" or "look how much i can travel for business!" or my favorite, the 'look at all this i want you to be secretly jealous of, so i'm going to complain about it' people... awesome.  but at least they have something to say, right?  there will always be the lurkers, those who love to limit who can see their page or check-ins and just watch others casting judgement they wouldn't date submit themselves for... gotta love double standards.  Facebook should be public and security free... but that's a different blog.

which reminds me - think about this:  there are no bad pictures of Kate Beckinsdale ladies, its not because she's always surrounded by professional camera and lighting crews - its because she takes care of herself enough to always look good.  stop detagging yourself, and consider a diet and exercise review.

and dudes, if you've ever detagged yourself from a pic that actually had your face in it - you have issues.  stop being such a girl, you're not that important no matter what your insecurity issues want you to believe.

facebook is reality on many levels... anyone who will lie to your face is probably going to lie on facebook, in fact, they're probably more likely to on facebook or anywhere else online.  at the same time, if you take facebook that seriously, you take life too seriously.  instead of taking life so seriously, consider taking a reality check seriously.

you're the reason people like you or not.  you're the reason you like you.  if you don't like your pics or what other people say in their posts, realize that the pic is of you (no matter how ugly or stupid it makes you look, because you're the one who drinks too much and got fat and did something embarrassing).

but - ANYWAY - yeah... Twitter.  I'm wondering if it's possible to create a fanbase on twitter... and would people comment as much or... how do i judge if people will even look?  hell, no one reads this - and if you are, i doubt you've ever made any comments (only 3 comments have been made, ever).

maybe i should just keep posting videos of young gay men... i wonder how much of that it would take to convince the world that i am gay, and then what i'd have to do to get them to realize i'm not.  blah, i dont care what people think enough to put all that effort in, odds are if people have already made their decision on me and nothing's going to change their minds now.   whatever anyone thinks, i encourage them to spread the word - especially if you have a hot sister or daughter.

hmm... Facebook for me:  and then Twitter for me:!/rjvalenta  what can i do to even them out?

about a week ago i was at a party and someone who tracks me on both mentioned that i should tweet more, but why waste the time if the result on twitter can't be realized?

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