Wednesday, January 18, 2012

hi, you don't make sense, again

again, i'm talking about women...

(and later i include men too)

today i was talking to a woman i dont see very often as she lives out of town, and i made a comment about my probably not getting to her city any time soon, but if i do we'll have to go out and 'let me show off my LA beauty'.

in hind sight, i guess this could be interpreted a lot of ways, but her response was an instant, "my boyfriend is probably going to have a problem with that, maybe we can do lunch".  and, i kinda got the feeling the idea offended her in some way... or like she thought i was making some kind of insinuation like 'i may never get there, but if i do, we are gonna hook up'.

ugh... or maybe she just really wants people to know she has a boyfriend, but i dont see how that's the case because she's one of the most beautiful women i know.  at least i hope that's not it.

but it got me thinking about people who get into the possessiveness and displays and promotion of relationships.  people who need others to know they have someone, people who have to promote their value to others by showing them how taken they are.

its people like this who are jealous and emotional... and usually a little unstable when it comes to it all because they can't simply believe in themselves and their relationship enough.

i don't think my out of town friend is like this, she's had plenty of drama in her life in the past and has mentioned many times her frustration with men & drama.  she probably just thinks i'm typical male, and is tired of dealing with a lot of the egomaniac male assholes in our industry.

but other women, the women who want everyone to know she has a guy, and how perfect they are, and then when together hang on them...

WAIT - ya know, i'm not going to blame just women here, because i'm sure there are men like this too.  there is a male version of this, some kind of overly protective jealous guy who thinks his lady deserves respect when she shows up in a bar dressed like a hooker and acting like a fool.

shouldn't a lot of this have been left in high school?

most of us are around 40, haven't we lost our need to validate ourselves with attention and relationships?  isn't fawning over each other best kept at home?

and WHAT THE FUCK is up with these people, these couples, who share a Facebook account?

yeah... ok - no one take my word for it, ask someone else.  go out and find someone stable and responsible and ask them what they think of men who are old enough to drink and are still getting in fights over women - or women who feel they have to promote their relationships by telling everyone about the details or hanging on them like cheap suits.  and ask how it compares to normal down to earth relationships between people who don't have any relationship drama, because they are confident enough to appear alone but know they are special to someone... especially themselves.

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